Wolken : Karlsruher Wolkenatlas - CD - ROM (HTML)
Karlsruher Wolkenatlas CD-ROM (HTML)
Cloud and Weather Photography from all over the World.
Learn to classify clouds with the help of hundreds of examples
- or simply look at them and enjoy
The "Karlsruher Wolkenatlas",
the ultimative cloud gallery, on CD-ROM (HTML)

Only requirement: WWW-Browser

- clear and informative -
- same appearance as in the WWW -

* 2374 pictures in 9 categories and 117 galleries
* cloud classification
* cloud description
* cloud codes
* index of all pictures
* lots of links
* no ads
* in German but easy to navigate

for only EUR 19.90 plus postage and packing*
Payment eiter by money transfer, cheque or cash
Cloud Atlas / World of Mountains - Offers:
Offer 1: 1 "Cloud Atlas" - CDROM only EUR 19.90
Offer 2: 1 "World of Mountains" - CDROM only EUR 19.90
Offer 3: 1 "Cloud Atlas" - CDROM
1 "World of Mountains" - CDROM
only EUR 34.95
plus shipping.
Any questions?
Der Karlsruher Wolkenatlas - CD-ROM (HTML) © 1998-2007: Bernhard Mühr  8 February 2007